Lowest Auto Insurance Rates By State

Lowest Auto Insurance Rates By State

Every few years the NAIC – National Association of Insurance Commissioners – pools together a mountain of data to come up with a list of average auto insurance rates by state. Pennsylvania didn’t make the cut, but being licensed in New Jersey I can confidently say to...
Insurance Rates Based on Credit, You Bet!

Insurance Rates Based on Credit, You Bet!

All too often I hear someone tell me, “but my neighbor is paying $300 less than I am and we have the same house!”. In case you didn’t know, one of the key elements that determine your insurance rates are your credit score. So, below are 5 tips I’ve picked up on over...
Sinkholes – Am I Covered?

Sinkholes – Am I Covered?

Answer: A basic homeowners policy does not provide coverage against sinkholes. Solution: A limited number of insurance companies will sell you an add-on (a.k.a an “endorsement”) to your homeowners policy that protects you in the event your home falls victim to a...
Protecting Your Home During Winter Months

Protecting Your Home During Winter Months

These past few days have reminded us all of something important….the cold weather is here. With this in mind, here are some important tips to consider to keep your family and home safe during the cold months.Watch Full Movie Online Streaming Online and Download Seal...
Can I Lower Your Mortgage Payments? In Many Cases, Yes.

Can I Lower Your Mortgage Payments? In Many Cases, Yes.

Each year, millions of Americans elect to pay the cost of their homeowners insurance as part of their monthly mortgage payment, commonly referred to as “escrow”. In this process, your homeowners insurance company will actually bill your lender, and the lender will pay the yearly premium on your behalf using the funds that were “escrowed” throughout the year.

Breed Restrictions and Insurance – What You Need to Know

Breed Restrictions and Insurance – What You Need to Know

One of the biggest sources of claims in the property casualty industry is canines. Most insurers now have their own breed restriction lists that will tell you what types of animals will exclude you from being covered in the first place. Here is a list of some of the...